Monday, April 9, 2007

Well, I've never done a blog before...hadn't ever really planned on it...but I really want to keep y'all up to date with what is going on with Steppin' Out Missions and wanted to put up pictures, so I figured that this would be a good way to do it...I don't really know what to say on a blog though, so bare with me... :)

April 1-7 I had the opportunity to go down to New Orleans with Steppin' Out Missions to help rebuild Iglesia Amor Viviente (Living Love Church) in Metairie, LA. Amor Viviente has a really cool story behind it. In the '70s, a missionary went down to Honduras to spread the gospel there. The congregation from the church he started later felt the burden to come to the United States as missionaries. The pastor of Amor Viviente was one of those people from the Honduran congregation. The church was spared in the storm, but it is still and old building in need of a great deal of work. After the hurricanes hit a year and a half ago, much of the congregation lost their homes. Because of this, the church has been used by many families has home since the storm. Steppin' Out has gone down to help rebuild this church and enable the pastor to be able to do what the Lord has called him to do and to better serve the community.

It was such a blessing to be able to go down there this past week and work on the church and to help these people out. They are the sweetest people and so warm and they love the Lord. They are so thankful that the Lord sent Steppin' Out to come and help them. It was amazing to be down there this past week working with everyone from Steppin' Out and to get to know the people from the church a little are some pictures from the trip.

This is the front of the church...except I took it from the side because we were driving and didn't go past it head here's a side front shot of the church.... :)

In just that short week many projects were undertaken. The first one that I worked on with Emily and Erin, two girls from Alpine Bible Church who came down to work that week, was gutting one of the bathrooms in the main building. This picture was taken about 2/3 of the way through the job. You can see there are still tiles on base of the took a jackhammer to remove those...I must say, I had a LOT of fun using that jackhammer... :)